Demonstrating Progression in History : The Impact Of D.I.R.T.

Miss Davina Brown has successfully completed her NQT year here at Hodgson and has discovered how amazing the power of D.I.R.T. is. She's finding her students more engaged than ever before. This is her amazing story!
Doing D.I.R.T earlier in my NQT year never seemed to be engaging my students. It was time to dangle a carrot! How would they feel about achieving higher levels? I shared with them the ideas behind D.I.R.T , explaining how I would re-mark their Next Step Advice responses, therefore enabling them to see their own progression; I enthused about how this would improve their level if they thoroughly followed and acted upon the feedback I had given them. They saw this as an exciting challenge and it worked a treat! They were completely focused and on task striving to beat their own original scores.
However, this is what really made me such a D.I.R.T believer: my data. The increase in levels for my PP and SEN pupils was 12% overall and for my GAT pupils 16%. In all lessons through KS3 and KS4 there has been no less than a 15% increase in progress towards their target. My biggest success to date: a huge 42% increase for my year 10 class after DIRT time, giving the class an over all 95% pass rate on their mock assessment.
This shows what dedicated feedback can do. It is extremely rewarding when students come into class and they are excited to do their D.I.R.T. time and improve. I am definitely converted!
