Let's play dough!

Another creative idea from the Geography department. Rosie Burnett wrote:

I use play dough for activities in the classroom. It is brilliant as it really helps students to understand the formation and shape of the natural landscape. It allows them to think of how the land has been changed. I have used this activity in a variety of topics for example in glaciation, when demonstrating how glaciers can erode the landscape and create natural landforms. I have recently used it in the 'fantastic and impossible places' SOW with year 8. Students modelled the formation of the Grand Canyon with labels to help them. Students enjoy this activity and find it very useful, especially the lower ability students. I have also used it in my KS4 lessons, students have answered GCSE questions with play dough along with detailed annotated labels. It is a great kinaesthetic activity that stimulates a wide range of learners. We use this a lot in the geography departments and we have all found it has a positive outcome.
year 8, Grand Canyon work

I am sure we can find a variety of ways to use it in other subjects! We all have our own learning style, but almost 50% teenagers fall into the kinaesthetic category.  Have fun with dough !
