Year 8 United Utilities competition

By K. Parr, Lead teacher of Geography

In November 20 Year 8 students were selected to enter a competition with United Utilities. Students were asked to create a radio broadcast warning of the dangers of reservoirs and how they might affect your life.
The students were put into groups and put together 6 radio broadcasts, which were out forward as being put on national radio to warn people of the dangers.
One group successful got through to the semi-finals against 8 other schools across the country. In order to get through, the radio broadcast had to be liked and viewed as many times as possible on YouTube. We reached over 750 views which placed us firmly into the finals.

The finalists- Amber Anderson, Charlie Wood, Freya Seville and Khushi Krisha were taken to the United Utilities headquarters in Warrington, where they had to present their broadcast to a panel of judges who would reach a final verdict. The group was against two other schools and the quality of the competition was high. The students outdid themselves with their presentation and were sent away with a gold disk to show how well they got to the finals.

Although, in the end, Hodgson did not win, the students made the school proud and are going to go into each houses assemblies to warn people on the dangers of reservoirs.
Well done everyone!
