'My First Words' Cards

By A. Grisdale, teacher of History
I use these mainly for plenaries, at the end of lessons. They are cards with simple words on them, such as sheep, car, cow, etc.
I usually give each student a card and ask them anything from:

- Why is your object like/not like what we have studied today. Could be a person, scenario etc.
- If your object had been involved in this scenario then how and why could it have been different?
Sometimes I give each table a few cards and ask them to link, the cards together, using things from the lesson (people, places etc). They have to make it relevant to the lesson's learning.

Finally, I also use them for literacy. I may give each student a card and challenge them to come up with a relevant word using the letters of the card. I may also ask the students to think of relevant key-words using the letters of the cards. I am sure you get the idea! The possibilities are endless...
