By A. King, Lead Teacher of R.E.
The year 11's chose  'interactive' revision for today, a week before their 1st exam, so here's what we did.
Each pupil was given a number, numbers were then paired up and they become 'revision buddies' for the hour.
There was a carousel of 8 interactive methods of revision, covering both papers and all 8 units of work they have studied.
The activities available were:
            1.GCSE practice questions - buddies had the opportunity to share ideas on how they would answer certain questions.
            2.Loop cards - definitions and key words for the year 11 unit 'Religious responses to Drug use'
            3 & 4. What do I already know? - buddies had to write down everything they knew about each of the 8 units. There was a year 10 table and a year 11 table. The idea was to fill the masking tape line!

            5. Mrs Wade's board game - a board game where buddies went head to head in the race to reach 'eternal life', taking chances and answering general knowledge questions.
            6. Jenga - buddies went head to head in another challenging game, this time it was a steady hand and knowledge about the unit 'Elderly and death' that would see them winners!

7.Cue card creation - buddies created cue cards for each unit containing specific keywords, beliefs and teachings for the specific unit.

  8. Blockbuster - buddies again went head to head choosing letters, 'I'll have a P please Miss' and  answering questions related to the unit Crime and Punishment.

Good Luck Year 11!!!
One week to go!
