Stretch and Challenge in Maths

By Mrs Clare, Lead Teacher of Mathematics

As many of you will know we have some exceptionally bright mathematicians here at Hodgson Academy and within the department we are always looking for ways to extend our students. Edge Hill University Mathematics Challenge is an annual competition that provides students the opportunity to tackle engaging mathematical activities, improve their resilience and problem solving skills whilst developing teamwork and communication. Miss Barton’s 9 set 1 class attempted the problem ‘Around the Sheep Fold’. In teams of four they had to solve the problem and submit their answers on a poster making sure to show all their working out!

I am delighted to inform that the following groups have successfully made it through to Stage 2 where they will again have to make use of technology and problem solving skills: 
·         √-1 2³ Σ π   (I ate some pie) (Gabrielle Howson, Alex Forster, Joseph Lund, Isaac Foster, Louis Calafiore)

·         Pie-Thagoras (Courteney Cutter, Amy Chen,Matthew Todd, Alfie Laycock,Shane Broadbent)

·          ÷ and conquer (Curtis Barber, Daniel Chisnall, Lucy Coulburn, Abby Topping, Kieran Wylie)

The next round has to be submitted on the 23rd May with the final at Edge Hill University in July. Please give them a pat on the back and wish them luck!
