Literacy in Maths

By P. Stubbins, assistant leader of Mathematics

As a part of a wider project, led by the NCETM, an activity to develop literacy was trialled within maths to see how it might contribute to improving student's articulation of their mathematical reasoning. 
The activity used providing written guidance on Solving Simultaneous Equations to some students, whilst the whole class were given the same guidance verbally during the lesson.  The student task was to describe the mistakes shown in Solving Simultaneous Equations solutions in words.  Although there wasn't a significant difference between the two groups in spotting the mistakes and correcting them mathematically, it could be observed that the students that had been given the written prompt cards used more technical language such as "co-efficient of y" in their answers.  It would seem that having a written exemplar of terms gave the students greater confidence to use that language in their own written work.

Hodgson Academy has been asked to lead a continuation of this practitioner research project into developing reasoning, in the coming year, which brings benefit to departmental improvement through collaboration within schools.
