Save the Rainforest Campaign

By K. Parr, Lead Teacher of Geography

#eco #activist #argument #opinions #empathy

Over the past two weeks, the Year 9 students have been encouraged to research the topic of the Amazon Rainforest. Initially, students were shocked at the amount of rainforest that was being cut down- from 16% to 6% of it now being left. Students looked at the value of animals and medicines and their impact on people's lives. How would we cope if there was no rainforest left? How would this affect our lives?

Each student has looked at different opinion of people who use the rainforest: a parrot, a tribesman, a logger and a government official. They had to see if the rainforest should continue to be deforested or not. The students were encouraged to take on the opinion of the role they were given to convince others that their opinion was gospel!

The aim of this task was for students to empathise with others in order to form their own over riding opinion, which was backed up with evidence and reasoning. The students were informed that ANY opinion was acceptable as long as they could back it up.

 The students were then asked to create a campaign either FOR or AGAINST deforestation.
Please take a look at their work and decide- are you for or against the destruction of the tropical rainforest?
