Are you proud of your book?

By K. Parr, Lead Teacher of Geography

After finding a resource on twitter, the Geography department is going to be displaying and delivering a slide to each class to ask: are you proud of your book? Using the visualizer, we aim to show good examples of work VS bad examples, to show the students how work should be set out. How many students would want to show their parents their exercise books? How many can read what they do, ready to access it for revision?

The resources above will then be showed and displayed in every classroom and the students will be directed back to it, to see what a good book is. Students will be rewarded for good work showing effort and pride. The visualizer is going to be a key in showing each of the students WAGOLL. The more they think their work may be displayed in front of the class, the more effort they may put into basic presentation.

After a term, the department will ask the students again- are you proud of your book? If we embed it time and time again ,the students will know expectations are high, and that they should all be proud of their books.
