The power of highlighting

By R. Burnett, Teacher of Geography

Throughout last term and the start of this term, I have encouraged my year 9 class to underline/highlight important information in their books. I have also completed practice tests with them to test their knowledge of factual case studies before completing their end of unit tests. The hope was that, in completing these activities, it would help GAT students to embed the case studies in their long term memory.
They have just recently completed their first GSCE assessment and 79% of  GAT students achieved on or above their target. I can’t state that this is purely down to the techniques implemented into their lessons, however I do believe that the techniques of underlining as well as the regular practice tests, have helped the GAT students not only to remember the case studies, but also to understand the importance of effectively using the case studies at GSCE Geography. They were especially better at answering long 8 mark questions as they were able to understand how the correct use of specific facts and figures from their case studies could improve their answers.  So, overall, I would say these techniques have been useful and effective in learning the fact heavy case studies that students need to learn in Geography. 
