Video killed the confusion star

by Adam Smith,
Assistant Lead Teacher of Technology and Art


As often as I can, I try to include embedded video demonstrations into my PowerPoints when it comes to practical skills such as sketching, using design software or using tools and machinery in the workshop. These help support any non-specialists who might be teaching my specialism, as well as an aide during lessons for those pupils who lack in confidence. There are so many demo videos on Facebook and Twitter (proper tasty being a personal favourite) that I thought it would be useful to utilise in the classroom as well.

All I do is set up a camera or my phone (or screen capture software if I am demonstrating CAD skills) and edit the videos in Movie Maker with annotated commentary. Insert these videos into your PowerPoints and set to play on a loop. So when a pupil says "What am I doing again?!", direct them to the video and let them pick it up themselves.
