Chartered College of Teachers

by Simon Withey,
Teacher of Computing and ICT

The Chartered College of Teaching has been established following work by a number of organisations, including the Prince's Teaching Institute and the Claim Your College campaign, to look at how we could develop a recognised professional body for the teaching profession.

The Department for Education agreed to provide a total of £5m over four years to help the Chartered College establish itself. The intention is that, in the long term, the Chartered College will be funded by membership subscriptions and its own charitable activities.

The Chartered College of Teaching succeeds the College of Teachers, which was previously the body that held the Royal Charter for the teaching profession. A supplemental Charter to create the Chartered College of Teaching was approved by the Privy Council in June 2016. We expect the new Charter to be sealed early in 2017.

Run by teachers for teachers

The Chartered College is an autonomous member-driven organisation, established to promote the learning, improvement and recognition of the art, science and practice of teaching for the public benefit. We work in partnership with associations, unions and learned societies to build on the best of teaching and emerging research evidence. Covering all phases of education and subject specialisms, the Chartered College connects a diverse community of teachers to share ideas and knowledge and provide an independent, authoritative voice for the teaching profession. 

Membership is voluntary and offers a pathway of professional development to support teachers at every stage of their career. This is achieved via the Chartered College’s knowledge platform, providing access to the latest research, case studies, articles and good practice.   

The Chartered College of Teaching's series of 'Third Space' events has been developed to provide a forum, connecting the classroom and research community, facilitating open discussion and collaboration across the education sector. In this, the first Third Space event, we are bringing together teachers and researchers to discuss effective approaches to connecting research and practice in education.

Engaging with evidence is increasingly a central part of teachers’ and schools’ approach to improving classroom practice. However, how we can connect research and practice in a meaningful way? How do we increase teachers’ skills and confidence in using evidence critically and judiciously to inform the decisions they make in their own contexts? What is the role of researchers in ensuring the research they produce is relevant and has impact on students’ learning?

On Saturday 15th July, we will address these questions and more as we open up the world of education research and its relevance to classroom practice to all those who are looking to continually achieve excellence for their learners. This one-day event comprises keynote presentations, breakout groups to review case studies and further interrogate research themes, structured discussions over refreshments and interactive sessions.

The event will also include roundtable discussions led by #UKEdResChat founder Karen Wespieser, as well as a lively debate about whether teachers should be researchers. Teachers, researchers and policymakers from across the education sector are warmly encouraged to attend to share their experiences and identify ways to work together effectively.

