Hyperlinking in Powerpoint

by Adam Smith,
Assistant Lead Teacher of Technology and Art

Hyperlinks are a quick and easy way to navigate around your Powerpoint, saving time from flicking between slides  and other Powerpoints you need to access during a lesson.

  • Right click on an image, object or highlighted text.
  • Click on 'Hyperlink' in the pop-up box.
  • If you want it to hyperlink to a website/youtube video, or open up another document (e.g. another Powerpoint)  open click on the 'Existing File or Webpages' button down the side.
  • Then either enter a web address in the bar at the bottom or navigate to where you have saved the document using the dropdown at the top.


  • If you want it to hyperlink to another slide in your Powerpoint, then click on the 'Place in this document' button on the side.
  • Then find the slide you want it to go to from the list in the middle.
