Independent Revision

by Shabnam Khan
Lead Teacher of Business, Technology and Art

Every year it's the same when it comes to mock exams –
“Have you revised?”
“How often?”
“Where’s the evidence?”

After working on revision techniques with my Year 10’s, I wanted to see weekly evidence of revision and the impact it was having. Therefore every week they bring their notes/practice questions from workbooks and I have been writing the date in the top corner.

In addition to this they must mark the questions and write the correct answers to show that they are checking their understanding. Any questions they feel they are unable to self-assess, they place in my “marking tray” and I will mark and give feedback to them during the lesson.

This means every week they must bring new work to me to show that they have revised. This has led to 100% of the class completing at least an hour’s worth a revision a week for their ICT and also answering practice questions. Even the usual students who do not normally revise have admitted that it is helping them! All being well, this will pay off in their mock results!
