Revision Techniques

by Shabnam Khan
Lead Teacher of Business, Technology and Art

I have been working on different revision techniques with all year groups in ICT and Business Studies. One of the methods that I used was in preparation for a specific assessment. I explicitly covered flashcards, practice questions and creating topic revision sheets (either on A3 or A4 paper).

In order for this to work effectively I had all the resources prepared and out prior to the start of the lesson. I began by spending 5 minutes going through some of the different revision methods with the students. I focussed specifically on the boys in this session as I found most of them revised by either reading their exercise book or going on the PC. Although these methods are suitable in some cases, this is not always an effective method of revision.

I got students to try methods they had not used before. I asked them to try this method for a few days and then evaluate the effectiveness of it – did they feel it helped them or made no difference at all? Where they felt it did not make a difference I suggested another method for them to use. The key message I have been trying to get to my students is that there are MANY different ways of revising; unless you try one of the methods, you won’t know what works for you.  
