Change your behaviour post-haste!

by Thomas Green,
Teacher of Maths

With some of the more disruptive pupils, they seem to react quite negatively to the idea of a warning or behaviour log in front of the entire class when sanctioned, so my solution for these specific pupils has been to use Post-it notes instead.

At the beginning of a lesson, I go to the pupil and put three Post-it notes on their desk (multi-coloured if possible), and explain that every time they misbehave for any reason, I will take one away, put it on my desk, and write down what they did wrong (the Post-it notes being confiscated are used as an alternative to writing their name on the board, as it is more subtle and minimises the chance of further disruption to the lesson.)

The first Post-it is a warning.
The second Post-it is a C1.
The third Post-it is a C2.

I've used it with different pupils and they seem to respond quite well to this, now asking for Post-its at the beginning of a lesson, and seeing them as something worth keeping during lesson.
The level of disruption has gone down dramatically.
