Cross-curricular Maths

by Keith Moyle,
Teacher of Maths

In PSHE we have been working on 'money sense' and banking as a topic overview for the half term. As a task for one of the lessons each student was given a payslip for a 'John Smith - £1100' or 'Jane Doe - £760' and a sheet of expenses. They had to imagine that they were John or Jane and plan their lifestyle for the month thinking about things like:

- Where will they live?
- What do they have to pay for (Bills, rent and food)?
- What do we want to spend money on?
We then swapped payslips and planned a month's living for another person (pupils moving up or down the money ladder).
The pupils found the whole task interesting and had some insightful points to make about sacrificing lifestyle choices and spending within your means to have a healthier bank balance.
