Consolidating Learning with News Reports

by Karis Gardiner,
Teacher of French and German

My Year 9 students were given the task of becoming news reporters for a day. Students were split into different ‘équipes’ and took on their new job roles as news reporters for well-known newspaper companies in France. 

Students had to rely upon their previous knowledge on the topic of the dangers of social media and technology to find clues in two different cases hung up around the classroom. Students were then given the task of writing their own ‘reportage’ in French to describe the benefits and the possible dangers of social media. As an extra challenge, students had to end with 5 key tips for staying safe online using difficult constructions, such as ‘il faut’.

Clues were organised in a random order for each case (Cas A ou Cas B) around the classroom and students were fully engaged as they had to search the clues around the class.

Feedback showed that students found it engaging and it was also a great opportunity to involve some cross-curricular learning.
