Career Opportunities

by L. Foley,
Head of Personal, Social, Helath and Economic Education

#foleysfutures on tour
In October a group of Year 10’s headed to Bolton for the National Apprenticeship Show to meet employers and find out about apprenticeship routes for school leavers and degree apprenticeships (post-18).  The students were great at talking to the employers and current apprentices and found out about lots of careers and companies- including many they’d never heard of before!  All the career education research points to a strong correlation between meaningful employer encounters and engagement with the world of work and this event certainly did that in a very interactive way!

Year 8-11 also enjoyed taking part in our annual Careers Convention at school which is now held during the day to ensure students don’t have any barriers to attending.  They were all able to meet up with members of the uniformed services, armed forces, local and national businesses as well as local post-16 providers (colleges and apprenticeship providers) and a university.  The students had been given a map of attendees prior to the event so they could research the companies and prepare questions and the follow-up questionnaire is indicating an overwhelmingly positive response to the event with a number of year 11’s going on to apply for courses and apprenticeships as a direct result of the conversations had that afternoon.  For the younger students the event has raised aspirations and broadened horizons- helping them to gain perspective on life after Hodgson!
