Lectures at Lunchtime

by R. Burnett,
Teacher of Geography

I have invited our KS4 students to watch a series of different lectures given by various academics and professionals on a Wednesday lunchtime. 

The first lecture shown was called ‘The State of the Planet’ given by Professor Hugh Montgomery with a focus on population growth and the effects on climate change. It is a lecture given to staff at a large engineering company in the North West, with the hope of educating their employees about the effect of climate change. 

The aim of showing these lectures to our students is to engage them with real life topics, to stretch our most able students and to show the career opportunities available in Geography. The content in these lectures closely links to a lot of content covered in the Geography specification. 

Students have enjoyed watching these and it seems to have engaged students to think beyond the classroom. I plan to show a variety of lectures over this term to cover a range of content covered in Geography.
