Encouraging Pupils to do their own AfL in Maths

by S. Pegg
Teacher of Mathematics

Moving pupils from being teacher led to becoming independent learners is difficult. I have tried a number of different ideas with my Year 11 class, with varying degrees of success!

1. Using planners to show RAG status for confidence in a subject. I use this a lot in class and find that , in association with questioning, it can be a very good way to understand what pupils find challenging.
2. Using revision lists is a good way to help pupils' understand and focus on important tasks. There are a number of ways to complete these inclusing using; teat feedback, teacher feedback, gauging your own confidence and using Hegarty maths to give feedback. Marking topics as RAG helps identify the priorities. I also encourage pupils to start by looking for those subjects that are quick to learn and cross out green on the list for a confidence boost.

3. Revision or Practice. My advice to pupils is to revise by practising subjects - initially by checking work against a model solution. The eventual aim is for students to complete tasks without referring to models (usually after three or four attempts.) 

4. Using Hegarty Maths Memri. This assesses pupils' homework adn identitifes knowledge gaps. It then provides weekly challenges to focus students where needed.
